MONOGRAFIJA: Vaš vjetar u leđa

Donacija kopir aparata učenicima u Srnicama Donjim

Osnovna škola Mehmed-beg Kapetanović Ljubušak iz mjesta Srnice Donje, općina Gradačac kao i većina drugih škola suočava se sa problemom potrebe raznih pomagala za nastavu i nemogućnošću finansiranja istih, iz budžeta kojim raspolažu.

This, obviously, identifies with showing restraint. In any case, it's more than that. Restrained players abstain from blowing up and following up on that outrage. That is something beyond being eager to pause. That is having the option to control your propensity to respond to the inescapable saw insults you'll endure because of the poker divine beings. What are a few signs you have self-control and restraint? Do you hit the hay simultaneously consistently? Do you play pokies free online free spins and get up simultaneously each day, in any event, when you're more worn out than expected? Do you keep a food journal? Is it true that you are at a sound weight? Keeping a solid weight requires self-restraint and discretion. Do you practice a few times each week, typically simultaneously? In the event that you have great, sound propensities that you keep up in your life, you most likely have a proper measure of order. It's a matter of whether you keep the guarantees you make to yourself as well as other people.

Kako, pak, nastavno osoblje čini sve da djeca imaju sve što im treba, tako su nastavnici i menadžment ove škole rješenje potražili kod MI-BOSPO-a. Obratili su nam se sa molbom za pomoć kod nabavke kopir aparata, te smo mi isti kupili i poklonili školi i njenim malenim korisnicima.